These pictures are just some of over 200 I took at Beltring 2001. The first answers the question how do you get your wife to say lets go to London. Followed by as one person put it some of them foreign vehicles.
The following photos are either trucks I have seen or been sent photos of or in some cases pictures of CMPs that I have found in books on other topics. This page will be update as I dig out photos.
The first of these photos were taken in 1984 at the CMP seminar.
The truck at left is a Pattern 13 cab radio truck
This is the inside of the truck above, note the communication sliding hatch to the cab of the truck.
Same truck at different angle.
This is another truck outside
The RCAF F60 picture are
from my son's cross country trip this summer.
Well I am pleased to report that another CMP has been restored here in the States Roger Knight of Maine just finished work on his Ex-Swiss Army Ford CMP though not in military green this is a great example of the after life that CMPs served over the last 50 years. Below the before and after pictures. Congratulations Roger fine looking truck.